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Discussion Archive
The Future of Drupal 7
The Business of Backdrop
A Nonprofit Case Study - D7 Upgrade to Backdrop CMS with Paragraphs
Should Backdrop CMS be Drupal Classic?
Backdrop for Beginners
Backdrop Multisite
Solr, Lando, and Backdrop
An Open Discussion with the Software Freedom Conservancy
Recipes - How to use them and how to create them.
¿Cómo empezar con Backdrop? (español)
Closing Session
Marketing Backdrop CMS for large-scale, complex projects
An Introduction to Backdrop CMS
Welcome to Backdrop LIVE
Growing a healthy contrib community
To bee or not to bee?
Contrib Lightning Talks
Advanced Feeds
How to build a farmers market website with Backdrop CMS
Intro to Layouts for Backdrop CMS
Entity Reference is now in core. What next?
Surprise Topic!
When upgrades go wrong
Sassy Style! Theme and sub-theme development with Sass
Upgrading Multiple Sites made easy
Upgrading To Backdrop CMS From Drupal 7
Join the Herd: A work-in-progress case study
After Party - Games and Social Time
Social Hour - Game Time
Showcase: America's Best Bootfitters
CiviCRM and Backdrop
Feeds Module
Mentoring New Contributors - OpenForce 2022
GitHub Actions contrib maintainer round table
Drupal 7 to Backdrop CMS upgrades for complex applications
Wordpress to Backdrop
Bootstrap + Backdrop = Beautiful websites out of the box
Backdrop Successes and Frustrations: A nonprofit's journey
Contrib Modules or Themes - Lightning Talks
Matomo Analytics Server on Shared Hosting
Core Development Update
¿Cómo empezar con Backdrop?
Porting the Claro and Gin admin themes to Backdrop
Content Author-centric UX improvements in core
Closing Session
Git out of here - a discussion on version management
Showcase: Institute of Andean Studies
Building and Maintaining Contrib Themes
Organic Groups (Past, Present, Future)
Using ProboCI For Backdrop Developer and User Testing
The Business of Backdrop
Writing your first PR for Backdrop CMS
Converting a Drupal 7 theme to a Layout
Opera Theme - Demo and Discussion
Backdrop CMS Recipes
Backdrop for the Absolute Beginner
Welcome to Backdrop LIVE (plenary)
Stanford joins the Backdrop community!
An Introduction to Backdrop CMS
Backdrop LIVE Orientation
Planning Future Events - Backdrop LIVE 2.0?
Ready to Wear Initiative
Telemetry Initiative
Prioritizing future features - Backdrop CMS 1.18.0 and beyond
Improving Documentation
Data Migrations
Evaluating Backdrop CMS for your next project
A Demo of Silkscreen CMS - A fork of Backdrop CMS
Diversity and Inclusion (in Backdrop CMS and other open source projects)
Backdrop CMS and CiviCRM
Meet ClassicPress (A Demo)
Backdrop CMS & ClassicPress Roundtable
Accessibility is a moving target
Upgrading a Drupal 7 site to Backdrop CMS
Meet the Backdrop CMS Community (plenary)
Creating custom themes or sub-themes for Backdrop CMS
Getting the most out of the layout system in Backdrop CMS
HAX the Backdrop CMS
How does Backdrop CMS compare to Drupal
Welcome / Introduction (plenary)
Opening Session
Welcome to Backdrop LIVE!
Welcome to Backdrop LIVE!
Welcome Session
Welcome to Backdrop LIVE
Welcome Session
Backdrop LIVE Orientation
TinyMCE - an alternative rich text editor
Office Hours (Getting started with Backdrop CMS, Content Types and Fields)
Show and Tell
Introduction to Backdrop CMS
Let's talk about AI
Software Freedom Conservancy
Introducing Gin for Backdrop
The Future of Paragraphs
Drupal 7 Upgrade Demos
Software Freedom Conservancy
Introduction to Backdrop CMS
Welcome Session: What's New in the world of Backdrop CMS?
Working with Layouts
Building a Forum with Backdrop CMS
Backdrop CMS Recipes
BackstopJS, Open AI, and all that Jazz
Custom entities: what, how and why
Backdrop for Beginners - Views (dynamic lists of your content)
What will happen in Backdrop 2.x?
Backdrop CMS for Non-Profits
Level up your Backdrop localhost with Dev Container
Module Showcase
Drupal 7 Soft Landing
Collaborating on larger Contrib projects
Content Migrations and One-click migrations (combined session)
Welcome Session: What's New in the world of Backdrop CMS? Project Update.
CampusDrop: BackdropCMS Platform for Education
Backdrop for Beginners - Layouts
Recipes, Recipes, Recipes
Theming Backdrop
Backdrop for Beginners - Content Types and Fields
How your contrib repo can help to grow Backdrop
Drupal 7 to Backdrop CMS Upgrade Demo
Image Optimizations in Backdrop: Responsive Images
Backdrop for Beginners - Content Types and Fields
Backdrop for Beginners - Content Types and Fields
How to host Backdrop sites on Pantheon
Backdrop for Beginners - Content Types and Fields
Drupal 7 to Backdrop CMS Upgrades
Different approaches for ALT text on images
DrupalForge - features and uses cases
Backdrop for Beginners - Themes
Theming Continued
Backdrop for Beginners - Views (dynamic lists of your content)
Moving from Pantheon to Amezmo
Backdrop for Beginners - Views (dynamic lists of your content)
Drupal 7 Soft Landing Initiative
Backdrop for Beginners - Views (dynamic lists of your content)
Zulip - Chat Platform
Backdrop for Beginners - Views (dynamic lists of your content)
Reference Module in Core
Bootstrap 3-4-5: Tools and Plans
Building rich (structured) content with Paragraphs
Getting Started With Backdrop CMS
Contrib Module and Theme Demos
Preserving Drupal 7 Contrib
Porting modules from Drupal to Backdrop
Backdrop for Beginners - Layouts
Questions about Amezmo
Backdrop for Beginners - Layouts
Common Cause -- Coordinating with other projects
Managing Support Clients
Backdrop for Beginners - Layouts
Push me - Pull you? A discussion about development workflows
Backdrop for Beginners - Layouts
Theme development in Backdrop CMS
Tutorial Videos for New Users
Backdrop CMS and CiviCRM
Backdrop Upgrade Status (a Drupal 7 module)
DDev for Backdrop CMS
Project Showcase - Websites, Modules, or Themes
Show off your Backdrop site!
Finding and fixing performance issues
Core Development Update
Planning and Prep for your Next Backdrop Project
Caching and Performance
CKEditor 5 - Upgrade and Caveats
Preparing for CKEditor 5
Promoting Backdrop CMS
The Layout System in Backdrop CMS
Core Development Update
Commerce solutions for Backdrop
Headless Backdrop
Introduction to Backdrop CMS
Opera - creating a new contrib theme?
Upgrading from Drupal 7 to Backdrop CMS
Office Hours - Content Structure
Meet the German-speaking Backdrop community
Open Q&A
Config Management Tools and Workflows
Necessities for site owners
Office Hours - Layouts
How to contribute to Backdrop CMS
Getting Your Backdrop Website ADA (American Disabilities Act) Compliant in an Hour
Domain Access (Cancelled)
Office Hours - Theming
10 Tips for a Better Editor Experience in Backdrop CMS
The Future of Gin for Backdrop; new core themes generally
Backdrop for Business
Case study: Moving six sites (and counting) to Backdrop at Penn State University
Business of Backdrop / Consultants Round Table
Adding Logic to Your Site with Rules Module
Config Recipes for Backdrop CMS
Here be dragons! A discussion on how we secure Backdrop sites
Writing Tests for Backdrop CMS
No-Code Backdrop
Content Access modules
Bee of good cheer
Better Theme Settings
Biblio Module
Upgrading a Drupal 7/CiviCRM site to Backdrop CMS
What can we learn from Modern Drupal Layout system?
Email Best Practices
Extending Backdrop under the hood: hooks, preprocess functions and more
Decoupled Blocks with Drupal, Backdrop, and React
Decoupled Blocks with Drupal, Backdrop, and React
Mastodon, Activity Pub, and the Fediverse
A hive of activity?
Membership Management Packages
The Telemetry Initiative
Making Backdrop CMS Better for Everyone
Backdrop in Higher Ed
Backdrop Tutorials
Sharpening tools for migrating Drupal 7 sites to Backdrop CMS
Configuration Recipes
Backdrop Pipeline Update
Bee Inspired
Local Dev Tools Showcase
Managing multiple sites (inc. multisite)
Top 10 Module Porting Challenges
Building a Farmers Market Site (Tutorials for Backdrop)
Porting Drupal 7 Modules (live!)
Config Recipes in Core
Backdrop CMS 1.30 Release Roadmap
Drupal 7 to Backdrop CMS Migrations
Hosting Backdrop sites
How to use the Demonstration module for testing
Process improvement -- Suggestions for the next Backdrop Live
SEO and Backdrop/Drupal
AI Tools
Contrib Lightning Talks
Measuring and Monitoring Site Performance
Backdrop for Beginners
Closing: The Future of Backdrop CMS and the Backdrop community.
Improving Backdrop Contrib documentation
AI Modules
How to make CSS changes to Core?
Configuration Recipes
Why Wordpress is better than Backdrop
Bee - Introduction and/or Discussion
Tools to help move from Drupal to Backdrop
How to better recruit, retain, and support contributors
Closing Plenary
Closing Session
Managing Secrets and Passwords
Help with Config Management
Help with CiviCRM
Closing Session
Closing Session
Drupal 7 Migration Pipeline
Using the Backdrop CMS slide decks (with Reveal JS)
Closing Session
Virtual Board Games
Backdrop LIVE Orientation
Welcome Session
How to tell if a module is ready
Paragraphs: what's coming next
Backdrop for Beginners
Wordpress → Backdrop site transfer
Writing tests for Backdrop
Working with Layouts
Advanced Drupal 7 to Backdrop CMS Migrations
Generate Site Backups and Static Sites with WGET and Backdrop
Customize Your Site with Existing Themes and Modules
Core Development Update
You're not trapped: how to migrate out of Backdrop
Share your favorite Module
Introduction to GitHub
Google Analytics
Intro to Backdrop on shared hosting
Local Dev Environments
Treffen der deutschsprachigen Community
How to deploy to existing sites
Introduction to OBS Studio
Commerce in Backdrop: Options and Experiences
Freelancer Roundtable
Taxonomy Facets, Views Filters and Search
Config Recipes
Future of Basis / New Core Theme
Porting a Drupal 7 Module (live!)
Using the Color Module
Closing Plenary
Social Event - Community Talent Share
Closing - Wrap Up
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Our next event will be
Backdrop LIVE - April 2025
April 3rd & 4th, 2025