Block A - Slot 3
Join us for a lively discussion on what should (or should not) be included in Backdrop 2.x.
The lifespan of Backdrop 1.x has been extended several times as the lifespan of Drupal 7 has been extended. Initially, our goal was for Backdrop 2.x to be released at least 2 years after the end of Drupal 7 support. Our hope was to give Drupal 7 site owners they time they need to both move to Backdrop, and prepare for the first Backdrop major version upgrade.
With the most recent extensions of the Drupal 7 deadline, however, the Backdrop 2.x release date has not been extended. Our idea of what Backdrop 2.x could be has shifted throughout the lifespan of Backdrop. We've been able to introduce countless new features as well as API changes in ways that have been backwards-compatible. Now that we have the experience, we believe that we can keep our commitment to backwards-compatibility across major versions as well.
On February 29th, 2024, we devoted our weekly developer meeting to a discussion on previously-mentioned ideas for Backdrop 2.x. We reached some consensus amongst our group, but would like to run these ideas by the larger Backdrop community before proposing them to the Backdrop Project Management Committee for a vote.
Our conclusions were documented in this blog post, but are in no way final. Your voice on these matters can help shape the future of Backdrop!
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