Backdrop LIVE is based upon an unconference model. Anyone can declare a topic up through the day of the event and the schedule is subject to change at any time. What would you like to talk about?

Block F - Slot 17

Slot 17: 3:00 pm America/Los_Angeles - April 4, 2025

I'd like to discuss the possibility of improving the documentation for contrib projects.  Not every project will need this and for many the README is all that is needed, but some use the Wiki.  Wikis are alright but they are not searchable, either internally or from Google.

I've been experimenting with VitePress (used for Lando documentation) as a Github Action to publish into pages.  At present, GitHub Pages are disabled in backdrop-contrib but perhaps this could change?

Intended Audience: 
  • All skill levels
  • Website Architects (no code)
  • Back-End Developers (modules + more)
  • Technical (even if no code)