Improving Backdrop Contrib documentation

I'd like to discuss the possibility of improving the documentation for contrib projects.  Not every project will need this and for many the README is all that is needed, but some use the Wiki.  Wikis are alright but they are not searchable, either internally or from Google.

I've been experimenting with VitePress (used for Lando documentation) as a Github Action to publish into pages.  At present, GitHub Pages are disabled in backdrop-contrib but perhaps this could change?

AI Modules

There has been much activity since the last Backdrop Live regarding the use of AI in the Drupal space.  I have goals to bring some of this functionality to Backdrop after working with it in Drupal.  Let's talk about possibilities and perhaps come up with a gameplan for porting and/or creating similar functionality for Backdrop CMS.

Preparing for CKEditor 5

CKEditor 4 is reaching its end of support November 2023. The Backdrop community has been working towards transitioning to CKEditor 5. Come see the current state of the new module, how to test it, and what work remains to be done. We expect this module will be included in Backdrop 1.27.0.

Decoupled Blocks with Drupal, Backdrop, and React

Over the last few months I decided to start building some of the decoupled blocks that I've been hearing about at Drupal events.  After getting the Drupal version working I wondered about how I would put the same block into a Backdrop site.  So I changed the module to be a Backdrop module instead of a Drupal module.

After that project I had a Backdrop site that had information I wanted to share inside a Drupal site.  I reversed the process, making a decoupled Backdrop block first and then changing the module to be a Drupal module.

Bee - Introduction and/or Discussion

Bee is the command line tool built specifically for Backdrop. It allows you to complete a number of actions on your Backdrop site, and build scripts that automate aspects of site management.

This is an open discussion about Bee; it could be an introduction or we could discuss possible future developments.

Comment below if you would like to talk about anything in particular related to bee.


Ubercart in Backdrop is looking amazing!

Several members of the Backdrop community have devoted their time and knowledge to making this happen - working on coding, integrations and documentation.  Why not spin up a site on Backdrop, and test out this user-friendly set of modules.

We are hoping to hear from
