Backdrop LIVE is based upon an unconference model. Anyone can declare a topic up through the day of the event and the schedule is subject to change at any time. What would you like to talk about?

Block A - Slot 3

Slot 3: 10:00 am America/Los_Angeles - April 3, 2025

One of the complex functions I will have to implement when moving clients form D7 to Backdrop is Maps. On D7 I use getlocations, leaflet and Open Street (not Google). I tried a dozen combinations of modules in D7, and I finally got one where everything worked together. I would love to see if this is possible in Backdrop.

I have several content types (plus taxonomies) - and I use views to display a single interactive map of distributors. Then I have a block with a contextual filter displaying a map on each distributor's profile page. (Please note that Distributors are not users, they are just a content type.)