There is currently an effort being made to port the Organic Groups module from Drupal 7. This is a large and complex module, but important to many sites. In this session, we'll talk about:
- What the Organic Groups module does and why it's important to the community
- The progress of the portÂ
- If the work is ongoing, how we can work together to expedite completion
- If the work is complete, what we learned from the experience
I'm interested to learn something about the mechanics behind: How user settings are working? Why a registered user can't be deleted? Where is a possibility to solve this?
How could I carry a group membership to a user (enter a group), set automatically the group membership for content, while carrying this membership (content autotag) and how could I release it (leaving a group)?
How could I display all group content or group members, just while carrying the membership info?
Please realize, that this is different than to register to a group for membership.
My idea:
To enter a group, should go trough a gateway or link on the groups main page (the group itself). The membership to a group is already required to be allowed to enter this group. The state is carried like a flag (entered or not). A view should be able to act as a group menu.
Unfortunately I don't know, how to realize it.
@olafski I may not be able to attend sessions on the 12th due to a prior commitment. Take good notes? :)
@laryn, thanks for your message. Hope you can attend. But agreed in any case that we should take notes.