Backdrop LIVE is based upon an unconference model. Anyone can declare a topic up through the day of the event and the schedule is subject to change at any time. What would you like to talk about?

Block E - Slot 13

Slot 13: 8:00 am America/Los_Angeles - April 4, 2025

One of the things that we’ve worked hard to create in Backdrop CMS is an improved Editor experience. As a fork of Drupal 7, we inherited the power and flexibility of custom content types, fields, and views from Drupal. But, we also inherited some confusing user interfaces that sometimes frustrate and discourage site editors. While Backdrop CMS has implemented a number of changes that we think improve the editor experience, there is still a great deal of room for improvement.

In this session we'll talk about the ideas listed in the associated blog post and generate some new ideas.

Intended Audience: 
  • All skill levels