Backdrop LIVE is based upon an unconference model. Anyone can declare a topic up through the day of the event and the schedule is subject to change at any time. What would you like to talk about?

Let's talk about the trials and tribulations of running a freelance business building websites with Open Source CMS's.

Possible discussion points could include pricing methods, personal development, and specialisation vs generalisation; though it is up to you.



I would love to see a job board - -  where employers can post jobs/gigs related to Backdrop CMS. Site would be similar to 

Posting should have a job description and a way to reach out to the employer. Service providers ( can reach out to employers if they are interested in the job.  

Postings can be free for employers or small fee can be charged and used to pay for backdrop website hosting.   There should be no other monetary interactions around this website. 

> I would love to see a job board - -  where employers can post jobs/gigs related to Backdrop CMS.

I love this idea. Let's talk about how to move this forward.