Working with Layouts

For folks coming from the Drupal world to Backdrop CMS many things are very similar and easy to understand, a few things are quite different. The layout system may be the part of Backdrop that is the most different from Drupal and that requires some time to get used to. It's based very loosely on Panels (in Drupal) but with a prettier and easier to use interface. Despite that, it does take some getting used to. 

Getting Your Backdrop Website ADA (American Disabilities Act) Compliant in an Hour

Facilitated by: Eric Vander Wal

Eric's talk is going to be on ADA (American Disabilities Act) compliance and general accessibility. Eric has been working on a number of sites with rigid ADA compliance requirements and will be taking questions and facilitating a discussion on this topic.

Eric recorded a 50 minute presentation that we will link to as soon as possible.

Config Recipes in Core

We recently did a survey of the most popular features that folks want to get into core. Adding support for a config recipe project type did quite well. What exactly this means is still unclear. In this session, we'll look at some experimental work that has been done and talk about a possible path forward for this idea. 

* What are folks looking for in config recipes?
* How should they work?

Upgrading from Drupal 7 to Backdrop CMS

There is an upgrade path from Drupal 7 to Backdrop CMS. An upgrade involves making changes to your existing database to make it work with Backdrop as opposed to the migration option which involves migrating your content into a completely new Backdrop site. In this discussion, we can address both options, but our focus will likely be on the upgrade path. 

If you have already done an upgrade, please drop in and tell us about your experience. How did it go? What can we do to make the experience better?
