The Future of Drupal 7
What's the inside word on Drupal 7 EOL?
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What's the inside word on Drupal 7 EOL?
I'd like to discuss the possibility of improving the documentation for contrib projects. Not every project will need this and for many the README is all that is needed, but some use the Wiki. Wikis are alright but they are not searchable, either internally or from Google.
I've been experimenting with VitePress (used for Lando documentation) as a Github Action to publish into pages. At present, GitHub Pages are disabled in backdrop-contrib but perhaps this could change?
I did a presentation a few months back in Asheville about a security incident that I experienced. Let's not rehash the entire talk but expand it to discuss strategies and tools to keep passwords and secrets secure.
There has been much activity since the last Backdrop Live regarding the use of AI in the Drupal space. I have goals to bring some of this functionality to Backdrop after working with it in Drupal. Let's talk about possibilities and perhaps come up with a gameplan for porting and/or creating similar functionality for Backdrop CMS.
1) How to create them?
2) How to better promote them within the community?
3) How to collaborate on them or encourage more of them?
4) What kinds of tutorials do people prefer?
5) Whats available?
This will be our 30th release of Backdrop CMS.
A demo of what's new in Bee and what might be on the horizon.
What would you like to know about Bee?
This will be an open session like the Office Hours sessions we have on Wednesdays. A few experienced Backdrop users will be on hand to answer questions.
We have themes for each session. The theme for this session is theming. Bring your questions about theming, but any and all questions are appropriate.