What will happen in Backdrop 2.x?

Join us for a lively discussion on what should (or should not) be included in Backdrop 2.x.

The lifespan of Backdrop 1.x has been extended several times as the lifespan of Drupal 7 has been extended. Initially, our goal was for Backdrop 2.x to be released at least 2 years after the end of Drupal 7 support. Our hope was to give Drupal 7 site owners they time they need to both move to Backdrop, and prepare for the first Backdrop major version upgrade. 

Preparing for CKEditor 5

CKEditor 4 is reaching its end of support November 2023. The Backdrop community has been working towards transitioning to CKEditor 5. Come see the current state of the new module, how to test it, and what work remains to be done. We expect this module will be included in Backdrop 1.27.0.

Backdrop Pipeline Update

This past May, I sent an invitation to every organization and individual who had identified themselves on the backdrop Service Providers page that read like this:

Are you looking for more business? Then read on!

Since you are listed as a Backdrop service provider, we would like to extend an invitation to you to participate in a new program that will refer to you owners of Drupal 7 websites who are interested in moving their sites to Backdrop CMS.
