Backdrop for Beginners - Layouts

The layout system in Backdrop CMS is a powerful system for building custom pages. In this session, we'll walk through the process of creating custom layouts. 

Some topics we will include:

  • How layouts work
    • Visibility conditions
  • Blocks
    • Custom blocks
  • Flexible layout templates
  • Field blocks
  • Tips for managing your header and footer across many layouts
    • Mini Layouts
    • Copy Blocks module


Solr, Lando, and Backdrop

I recently began trying to learn more about Solr search.  I found old instructions on getting Solr to work with Drupal 8 locally using Lando.  After getting that working I wanted to see if I could do the same thing with Backdrop.  It turns out that it isn't that different.  Come learn how to setup Solr search to begin experimenting and learning more.

CiviCRM and Backdrop

Given interest in Backdrop and CiviCRM (based on CiviCRM usage stats of recent months) I thought it might be worth opening a room up for conversation on that topic. I don't plan to have a big presentation but I do still have the demo site that I built for the session I did at Backdrop Live in September 2020, so I'll dust that off. The video below was recorded during that session so we don't have to redo it completely but folks can bring questions and things to share about things that were covered in that session or about the topic in general.

Wordpress to Backdrop

I work for a non-profit and we have quite a lot of websites.  I get to work with Drupal 9, Drupal 7, Backdrop, and WordPress.  We have a WordPress multisite.  Recently a discussion began about improving one of the WordPress blogs.  I wanted to see if it would work in Backdrop.

Backdrop Successes and Frustrations: A nonprofit's journey

How one nonprofit landed on Backdrop after several false starts (including a few with Backdrop), from specifications to launch. This session is for anyone who is still debating whether to use Drupal, Backdrop, or some other CMS, or for those new to Backdrop who want to know more about how to avoid the mistakes and frustrations we made getting to launch.
