
Ubercart in Backdrop is looking amazing!

Several members of the Backdrop community have devoted their time and knowledge to making this happen - working on coding, integrations and documentation.  Why not spin up a site on Backdrop, and test out this user-friendly set of modules.

We are hoping to hear from

Advanced Feeds

I used feeds to add my initial content in bulk. Now I need to add a lot MORE data content, and also update the existing data. I know when I migrate my other D7 sites, importing content is going to be important.

I have made mistakes with trial-and-error feeds. Losing data out of fields because a column was forgotten, and HTML changing.  I'm especially struggling to export all existing fields of a content type to work from, in terms of updating.

Wordpress to Backdrop

I work for a non-profit and we have quite a lot of websites.  I get to work with Drupal 9, Drupal 7, Backdrop, and WordPress.  We have a WordPress multisite.  Recently a discussion began about improving one of the WordPress blogs.  I wanted to see if it would work in Backdrop.