
Ubercart in Backdrop is looking amazing!

Several members of the Backdrop community have devoted their time and knowledge to making this happen - working on coding, integrations and documentation.  Why not spin up a site on Backdrop, and test out this user-friendly set of modules.

We are hoping to hear from

Module Showcase

Have you ported or created a module that you want to share? Perhaps you are excited about a module that you've recently discovered and think it deserves a bit of a celebration?

This event is open for anyone to share about a module.  I'll be sharing a few that I've done; hopefully others will too.

A Nonprofit Case Study - D7 Upgrade to Backdrop CMS with Paragraphs

The Friends of the Mississippi have been using Drupal for a long time and have accumulated 1000's of pieces of content (nodes). Their website is an important tool in their daily efforts to engage with the community to protect, restore and enhance the Mississippi River and its watershed in the Twin Cities (Minnesota) region. 

Showcase: America's Best Bootfitters

The America's Best Bootfitters website has a rich archive of relational content: boots that have styles, and categories, shops that sell specific brands and specific boots in certain locations, and different types of boot testers with their own preferences and comments about each boot. The dynamic relational nature of this content is one of the things Backdrop CMS does best.