Block E - Slot 14
Slot 14: 9:00 am America/Los_Angeles - April 4, 2025
Over the last few months I decided to start building some of the decoupled blocks that I've been hearing about at Drupal events. After getting the Drupal version working I wondered about how I would put the same block into a Backdrop site. So I changed the module to be a Backdrop module instead of a Drupal module.
After that project I had a Backdrop site that had information I wanted to share inside a Drupal site. I reversed the process, making a decoupled Backdrop block first and then changing the module to be a Drupal module.
We can talk about how I did this with jsonapi, and the Headless module in Backdrop and why.
Intended Audience:
- Intermediate
- Developers (yes code)
- Front-End Developers (themes + layouts)
- Back-End Developers (modules + more)
Collaborative Notes:
I'm interested in why; what value do headless blocks offer that can't be done by the likes of feeds and views?