April 3rd & 4th
Backdrop LIVE is an interactive event, designed to facilitate sharing lessons learned from experience, sharing current best practices, and planing for the future.
Conversations, not presentations
The goal of this event is for all attendees to participate in conversations. Most discussions are not recorded so people can speak freely. Facilitators for each topic will lead the conversation, but are not expected to be experts on the subject matter.
3-hour blocks of interaction
We have scheduled this event to take place in 3 hour blocks, scheduled over the course of 48 hours. We don't expect anyone to participate in the entire schedule, but wanted to be sure to provide some programming for participants in every time zone.
Who should participate?
- People who are using Backdrop
- People who are curious about Backdrop
- People who are familiar with Drupal 7
- People from Web Agencies
- Non-profit technologists
- Entrepreneurs
- Independent Contractors in Web Development
- People who are interested in an Open Source CMS
Why participate?
- INTERACTIVE - Mostly discussions and demonstrations.
- GLOBAL - Sessions scheduled for everyone, regardless of time zone.
- AFFORDABLE - recommended $20 Donation (any amount accepted)
Topics Ideas:
We are waiting for your suggestions/requests and building a schedule as we go based upon the topics that YOU want to talk about.
The kinds of things that you might see added to the schedule include:
- Theme Development for Backdrop CMS
- Layout building, contexts and relationships
- Upgrading from Drupal 7 to Backdrop
- CiviCRM on Backdrop CMS
- How to manage your project with Github
- Selecting contributed themes
- Participating in the BackdropCMS community
- Accessibility compliance and awareness
- Backdrop CMS core initiatives
- Multilingual support
- Backdrop CMS in your country
- Measuring and monitoring site performance
- How does Backdrop CMS compare to Wordpress?
- Privacy issues
- Open Source CMS freelancer roundtable